
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Requiem for Bravery

Leaders fight for a word with no meaning,
People work with ego and no teamwork.
The reputation means more than the people behind it.
There are more kings than there are those who serve,
And they are stubborn to get rid of the crown.
They serve a false word, and mend it with band-aids.
They fight with no side and end in chaos.
People hear without listening,
They leap without looking,
They lead without seeing,
If we truly experience bravery,
We must look into our hearts.
We must give with our bodies, minds, and, hearts 100%,
And then give 100% more.
And give not just for the sake of God, country, and man,
But for the sake of the giving itself.
And we must do it with love,
For that is a special kind of courage.
When you help your fellow man,
You are helping God’s friend.
Is that not what we all are?
We should not be afraid to learn.
We are students and teachers in this world,
With God as our principal.
We all cannot fix the world,
But it is up to us to help out.
Everyone can reach beyond expectations,
We just got to love.

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